Burt High School
1923 - 1970
Burt high school named in honor of Doctor Robert T Burt 1873 through 1955 was a black
local physician and surgeon in 1906 he opened his own infirmary and the 1st hospital in
Clarksville TN, because of his strong belief that education for all is the foundation of
human existence he dedicated himself and his resources to establishing a secondary
school for students
Burt high school was an all-black school built in 1922 for the purpose of education and
recreation; the school opened its doors in the fall of 1923 the first high school was open
on 1001 E Franklin street in 1923 and served Clarksville Tennessee and surrounding
counties until 1951. In 1952 a new Burt high school was open on 110 Bradley St on the land
contributed by Mr. Howard Landers and family, local citizens of Clarksville Montgomery
County Tennessee
Since Burt high was opened from 1923 through 1970 Burt was never integrated as far as
the student but with integrated as far as faculty in the last 2 years of 1969 and 1970
During these 47 years, there where four scholarly gentleman principals, curriculum
counselors and community leaders, Their names as follows:
Professor Andrews M. Gilbert 1887 through 1958 was the first principle from 1923 through
Professor Herbert L. Allison 1894 through 1951 was the 2nd principle from 1929 through
Professor George W Brooks 1906 through 1976 was the 3rd principle 1944 through 1968, he
was the principle of Burt high on 1001 E Franklin street for 8 years before moving the
school to 110 Bradley St in 1952 where he remained the principle until he resigned on
November 14th, 1968
Professor Theodore G. White 1932 through 2000 was the 4th and last principle from 1968
through 1970 he served as principle from December 1st, 1968 until closing of Burt high
school in 1970
Throughout these years Burt received and maintain its status as an accredited school,
many students that graduated and earned education and training of higher levels have
served in honorable professions and positions throughout the world.
Among Burt’s many academic and athletic achievers was Wilma G Rudolph 1940 through
1994 who's foundation came from Burt’s athletic program in basketball and track. While
attending college she became an international famous three-time gold medal winner in
the Olympics in 1960.
Burt high school was well known for its athletic achievements such as basketball,
football, baseball and track teams.
Burt high school majorettes and drum major performances were magnificent where they
were marching in the parade or at a halftime show during a game .
Burt high school, in both locations will forever be known as the educational foundation
and a feeder school for black student in Clarksville Montgomery County Tennessee and
surrounding counties within its locality.
Burt high school’s mascot was the Tiger and the colors were black and gold. Burt high
school’s song is “Alma Mater” (the school we love so dear).
Burt High had distinguished principals and teachers, but those who are with us today and
for those who have gone on before us. We salute you with great appreciation for your
years of dedication, leadership, determination and love.
Burt elementary school still carries the name in honor of Doctor Robert T burt . The
school on Franklin street was named in honor of doctor Bert for 28 years and the school
on Bradley St for 63 years, giving a total of 92 years.
© Burt High School Reunion Association All Rights Reserved 2015