Burt High School Reunion Association
2020-2021 Scholarship Recipient
© Burt High School Reunion Association All Rights Reserved 2015
The BHSRA Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce its 2020-2021 recipient of the Burt High School Reunion Association Joseph B. Roberts Scholarship. The awardee is Miss Lauren T. Terry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Terry of Clarksville, Tennessee. She is a graduate of Clarksville High School maintaining a 3.6 Grade Point Average during her high school career. She plans to attend Austin Peay State University this fall. Lauren’s grandmother, Betty Nicholson Johnson and grandfather, Willie D. Terry both attended the Historic Burt High School.
2020-2021 Scholarship Recipient
© Burt High School Reunion Association All Rights Reserved 2015
Burt High School Reunion Association
The BHSRA Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce its 2020-2021 recipient of the Burt High School Reunion Association Joseph B. Roberts Scholarship. The awardee is Miss Lauren T. Terry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Terry of Clarksville, Tennessee. She is a graduate of Clarksville High School maintaining a 3.6 Grade Point Average during her high school career. She plans to attend Austin Peay State University this fall. Lauren’s grandmother, Betty Nicholson Johnson and grandfather, Willie D. Terry both attended the Historic Burt High School.